Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Birth of Mobile and it's first offspring.

Mobile data has been around since 1992. AT&T tried to make it work in 1997 but the technology was limited and the data stream too slow. Then in Finland in 1998 the Jippii Group discovered and made famous the download able "Ring Tone." He didn't know what he had at the time but this is how they came to be.

"It was a gloomy December morning in Helsinki in 1997 when 26 year old Veska Paananen woke up with a hangover after a night of Koskenkorva vodka and beer, Paananen, a CEO with a new media company Yomi Group, was jolted out of bed by the annoying ring of his Nokia 6110 mobile phone. "I didn't  want to hear "de de de de deeee' ever again." he recalls, "I wanted to hear Van Halen's 'Jump', and I was willing to pay for it." The technology was there to program mobile phones to play pop tunes rather than electronic bleeps. Much like today, the biggest resistance was from the operators, who said, "Ring Tones, what's that?" 

American spent over a Billion Dollars on Ring tones last year alone. RINGTONES, a Billion Dollars.

The first mass media campaign was launched in 1996 when Procter & Gamble was able to pay Yahoo ONLY on a cost per click basis.  This is an important point in Mobile Metrics as the days of paying for "unknown" eyeballs on Banner Ads,  so began the era of accountability and transparency in web advertising . 


SMS Blog test.

"We mock what we don't understand."

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mobile Metrics

This blog will keep you ahead of the Digital Curve. In the analog world of radio, TV and print marketing, advertisers searched to find certain broadcasts, programs and print media that may in some way correlate with their targeted audience. They would then run the campaign and see what happens. Because there is no way to guarantee who is watching a specific program, listening to a certain broadcast or reading a targeted magazine, a significant part of the advertising campaign may target the wrong audience sending ad dollars into the budget dumpster.

By contrast in the digital world, especially with enhanced Mobile targeting, your brand, product or service can focus specifically on the intended audience segment. Although there will be some message leakage to unintended audiences, it will be far less than the analog counterpart and will cost only a small fraction of the overall advertising dollars.

For the new media generation, campaigns need to be engaging and interactive. To be engaging, the media and campaigns must be localized for the consumers’ interests. A campaign put together from one media and slapped onto another media will most likely fail to engage a critical and oversaturated audience. Consumers of the new media are oversensitized to how broad band ads are trying to influence them. These consumers need messages that are specifically tailored to their interests and behavior.

TV, radio, and print will have a strong position in the future for audiences in the past targeting models. Campaigns will typically embrace tv radio and print for the majority of consumer reach and the majority of ad spends. However, the Internet, driven by contextual and behavioral targeting along with the power of narrowcasting in search, will increasingly take LARGER portions of campaign budgets. Digital Media, most importantly Mobile, will play an essential role in taking the campaigns message, and making them more effective by reaching a smaller microtargeted niche audience.

To accommodate these audiences new measurements, metrics, and approaches beyond reach and targeting will need to be in place. For the next generation, the combination of tracking engagement, viral responses to campaigns, and transactions in smaller, fragmented and highly targeted niches, with dynamic campaign modification for maximum effect, should prove to be powerful.

Mobile is unique b/c of it’s built in payment mechanisms. Its not available everywhere as of yet but it’s coming soon—Being able to track a campaign down to the purchase is the only thing that matters. Tracking advertising to the purchase of mobile media is in place today. Also, bar codes where it’s expected along with, tracking of that code down to the purchase of
physical goods. This is the area of greatest promise for mobile media in the next 4 or 5 years of advertising metrics and transparency.

These are all somewhat familiar terms and concepts BUT they have not been applied to mobile metrics as compared with other media. Mobile offers the potential to leverage them for greater campaign success ----or greater campaign failure if they are not understood. Mobile metrics and campaign measurability will be an extension of what is inherent to the Web. The targeting will be with more usage, user and engagement data in smaller niches and far closer to the point of decision. The measurement power of digital will be taken to a deeper level with mobile.

Viral Effects

Digital advertisers must understand THIS framework before they can take advantage of the micro niche promise of the mobile ad. World.